Monday, 15 April 2013

Back To School

This morning my bag was packed with a brand new funky cow notebook and new biro's and my alarm was set for 5.40am.  No normal person gets up at that ungodly hour but I had a new job to start at 7am - yes you read that right - a job, a proper job too and not a 'we're going to piss you about' agency job either. I'm only a common old Administrator doing 25 hours a week but it's a small staff of 8 and I have a boss who makes the tea. Perfect. I may have had to give up my beloved craft club but I get to have conversation on a daily basis and get paid for it. Add to that I get to wash my car with the company jet was if I do so wish!! Wahay who needs bonuses and overtime.

It's been 2 and a half weeks of hell as I had to give up my stomach medication so the Doctor could do some blood and other tests on me (ever felt like a guinea pig?) After a severe cock up on their behalf I had to bring the 'puff test' home to do and as it is now winging its way to Glasgow to be tested I can now launch myself at my tablets like a jittering junkie. And why the hell not. It's been 19 days of not eating properly and feeling like crap so tonight the long suffering BF took me out for my 1st proper meal in an age. All in all a good start to the week.

I received half a dozen eggs and a thank you card for my poster making efforts for the craft fair and jazz concert - it's really nice to be appreciated. My creative stash to sell at the fair now consists of 1 granny blanket, 7 hanging birds, 1 penguin and 6 owls....

...and I'm baking cakes Saturday morning to sell and helping out as well just to prove that not everyone under 65 in this village is a Mercedes driving, child breeding stuck up ignorant cow.

Diabetic Dog's latest round of tests for Cushing's disease has come back as negative! He has every symptom going yet he falls into the 10% that show as negative and possibly require a 2nd blood test - oh joy at around £100 a pop. The alternative is to monitor his symptoms or possibly have his blood glucose levels tested a 2nd time - again around £100 a time. Why does everything at the moment require shed loads of cash? I'm fed up of saying 'If I sell the van' as half the population of the UK appears to be watching it on ebay and a small group of knobheads keep making offensive and low offers. I must bite my tongue and bide my time I guess.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Happy Campers

I'm attempting to crack on and finish some of my crafty UFO's. As I now have an overwhelming longing for one of these.....

(it could be a long wait as my motorhome is still up for sale). Any spare moments are spent scouring ebay (bad idea) looking at the good, the bad and the downright ugly. After poring over hundreds I know what I don't want which is a good start. I've even been thinking about names!!! Anyone would think I was knocked up such is my obsession. It will definitely be kitted out with crochet - blankets, cushions and gawd knows what which is why I'm currently working on my odd square blanket.....

I'm also trying to knock out as many Owls. penguins and birds as I can for the village craft fair in a few weeks

and now I've offered to do the posters and bake cakes for the event too!! No wonder my craft class cohorts think I'm such an asset to the village! I've lived here 4 months and in that time I've joined the craft club and the WI, taken on the delivery of the parish news once a month (think of it as a paper round for the over 40's) and rendered the President of the WI speechless (the appearance of my knitted hat). Village life is never dull - well it is a lot of the time but I've come to the conclusion that re-opening the village shop would soon sort out that problem and I'm also up for that challenge.