Tuesday, 18 December 2012

I Can Piss A Rainbow

I'm not usually one to blow my own trumpet on a grand scale but today I feel I'm allowed a 'Ta dah' moment as this - my '50 shades of Grey' blanket.....

....made its recipient cry!! With gratitude and not disappointment I hope. So after around 100 hours, 11 balls of wool and more ends to sew in than I care to remember I'm allowing myself an evening of reassuring myself that I am a damned good person. Have no fear, it's not going to go to my head and I'm not going to be on here every week proclaiming 'Ta Dah' moments, or that I feel I could piss sparkly glitter or kiss my own arse or crap a rainbow. And if I do then feel free to slap me and shove me in a dark room with a crochet hook and a bag of wool.


  1. Hi! I came over from John Gray's blog as I thought you might be interesting and a little bit barmy. I see you are both and I am happy to meet you :-D

    Blessings, Kath in Glastonbury

  2. Why thank you. I take that as an ENORMOUS compliment :)
