Saturday 9 February 2013

Needles and Pins

How difficult can it be to get blood out of a dogs ear? If you have a placid, stands still type of dog then I imagine it would be a piece of cake. If, like me you have a whirling dervish, snapping turtle of a dog then it becomes a wee bit more difficult. We spent 25 minutes with my Vet this morning being shown how to use a blood glucose monitor (not very successfully I may add) and then the Insulin Vetpen (more success with this thankfully). Me and the dog can now look forward to this palaver twice a day until his blood glucose levels stabilise - test blood, stab unwilling patient with a needle and then feed him his special food and hope he sees it as a treat. I also have to phone the Vet twice a day so he can tell me what dose to administer according to the blood readings! The cost so far requires valium and smelling salts but it should level out now with me only having to buy insulin cartridges as and when required. I need to get my butt in gear and get my van cleaned out, photographed, advertised and hopefully sold. Last nights supposedly lucky lottery produced bugger all (long story all to do with the number 8) so maybe tonights health lottery wouldn't mind sending £100k my way. Failing that I'm making a de-cluttering list (again) of stuff to wack on ebay, having realised that selling my body wouldn't earn me much around these parts.

Beware of women with sharp objects

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